
Showing posts from August, 2017

Blog Post 1: Introduction

Hello classmates! My name is Macey Kleinjan and I am a first semester masters student in agriculture education. I graduated in May 2017 from NDSU with a bachelors in agriculture education and then took the summer off from school to work, plan my wedding, and get married. I am still new to being married (June 17, 2017), but I love my husband and spending time with him. But, I have been telling people lately that I think getting married is similar to adopting a child because I often find myself doing many things for my husband that moms do for their kids! Speaking of kids, we have two cats (Skyler and Elliott) that I refer to as "the kids" or "the boys", because we treat them like our children. We are both from Mandan, ND and we don't have family in Fargo, but it is only a two and a half hour drive, three with summer road construction! Over the summer I worked as a nanny for my advisor here at NDSU, last summer I was a nanny for a family in South Fargo, so, as y