
Showing posts from December, 2017

Blog 4: Presentation Reflection

My group presentation was a lesson that taught how to use problem based learning (PBL), inquiry based learning (IBL), and experiential learning (EL), as well as how to implement these learning types using technology. To plan our lesson, we used the ASSURE model. At the end of our lesson portion of the presentation, we covered the ASSURE model and how it is implemented effectively. We started with brainstorming what we were going to do. We decided to use the ASSURE model to plan our presentation. We then started to think about how to alter it to make it into a presentation resource. We quickly concluded to teach a lesson as our presentation. We then decided three topics to teach and we each chose what we wanted to teach classmates about. To divide work amongst the three of us in the group, we each chose an educational theory and each completed an ASSURE lesson plan that detailed our plan to teach the class about our choice of either IBL, PBL, or EL. We then discussed how we we